I mistakenly added an additional course to my order, can I ask for a partial refund?
Unfortunately, our system does not allow us to make partial refunds. But don’t worry, we offer you the following options: If you have bought several courses in the same order: Make a course change. In other words, change the courses you bought by mistake to others that you would like …
How can I get a refund on my purchase?
You can request a refund within 14 days from the date of purchase, or from the date of the course’s publication, if the purchase was made during the pre-sale period. We kindly remind you that you may also request to change courses, within the 14-day period mentioned above, if your purchase has not …
How to Solve Payment Issues
There are several reasons why you may encounter problems at the time of purchase, the most common being due to a problem with your account or with the connection to your bank’s server. In order to make a successful purchase, please follow these instructions before trying again, depending on the …
How can I request a change of course for another one?
You can request an exchange up to 14 days from the date of purchase, or from the date of the course’s publication (if the purchase was made during the pre-sale period). If you have received a course as a gift, you can request an exchange up to 14 days from the date …