I mistakenly added an additional course to my order, can I ask for a partial refund?
Unfortunately, our system does not allow us to make partial refunds. But don’t worry, we offer you the following options:
- If you have bought several courses in the same order:
Make a course change. In other words, change the courses you bought by mistake to others that you would like to do.
On the other hand, we can proceed to make a full refund of your order so that you can purchase your course again individually.
- If your purchase includes the subscription along with one or more courses:
If your order includes the subscription and you would like to get a refund for it, we will have to proceed to the total reimbursement of the order since it is not possible to change the subscription for one or more courses.
Please note that since the discount was applied to your current purchase, there may be a price change in your total amount when you make the purchase again
Important: You can request a course change or refund within 14 days from the time of purchase or the date of publication of the course (if you have made a pre-sale purchase).
Take into consideration that if you choose to fully refund the order, in one or any case, you will lose your current progress in the courses you have started, once the refund has been completed.
Regardless of your case, please contact with us through our email confirming the email address that you use in Olbgis and your preferred option.
- In case you choose a change of course, please check the following article: How can I request a change of course for another one?
- If you decide to get a full refund, please check this article: How can I get a refund on my purchase?